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British Prime Minister gets on 'purr-fectly' with Downing Street cat!
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Apparently, Larry is not the 'Purr-fect' Ratter!

Some people are dog people and others are cat people. Which one of these do you think British Prime Minister Mr David Cameron is?
The people of Britain recently thought he was definitely not a cat person after claims in a new book that Mr Cameron 'adopting' Larry, the Downing Street cat (Downing Street is where the prime minister lives) was just a publicity stunt!
LONDON, September 2013.
But Mr Cameron's office says:
Totally untrue. He is very popular with everyone in the building and we all get on purr-fectly well.
Larry was made the official Downing Street cat in February 2011 after a rat was spotted in two television news bulletins running around outside the black door of the prime minister's home in central London. Downing Street cat Larry, the Downing Street cat, enters 10 Downing Street
Image by AFP PHOTO/CARL COURT But Larry hasn't been too good at catching took him a few months to catch his first! Reports have made him out as a cat more interested in snoozing than chasing away rats. But even though he may not be the best ratter in the world, this lovable cat has won the hearts of the British public, who send him gifts and treats daily. According to the Downing Streets office:
Larry spends his days greeting guests to the house, inspecting security defences and testing antique furniture for napping quality. His day-to-day responsibilities also include thinking about a solution to the number of mice in the house. Larry says this is still 'in tactical planning stage'.
There have been resident cats in Downing Street since the 1920s. They have even been given the title of chief mouser to the Cabinet Office and paid a salary! The legendary Humphrey was a stray who took up residence under prime minister Margaret Thatcher and was also there during Mr John Major's time. Humphrey got a salary of £100 ($160, 120 euros) a year from the Cabinet Office ministry's budget! Are you a cat or dog person? Leave a comment and tell us what kind of pet you prefer. If you already have a pet, tell us what you do to look after it. A The Whiz Times Presentation. Story by AFP. Featured image: Larry, the 10 Downing Street cat, sits on a chair wearing a British Union Jack bow tie. Image by AFP PHOTO / POOL / BEN STANSALL.  

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Feb 4th, 2017 at 5:05 AM
If only the shop was...
Jan 30th, 2017 at 10:07 AM
Good for Katie that...
Jan 30th, 2017 at 9:59 AM
Catnaps are sure...
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