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The Whiz Times. As seen on these awesome media channels: The site provides readers with the flexibility to segregate content based on age as well as content preference. In addition, kids also have access to fun, animated videos featuring key news highlights of the week, especially made cartoon strips, and hundreds of stories based on key happenings. It offers kids reward points and encourages them to participate through quizzes, share their views on topics of interest as well as submit stories.

Edutainment Unlimited, news for kids and families The website, which provides news on global issues, appears to already have support from Brands.

Digital Market Asia-The Whiz Times Children all over the world can now easily get their dose of daily news that’s relevant to them at, the online news, information and edutainment resource for kids started by the Singapore-based Whiz Times.

Edutainment Unlimited. News for kids and familiesThe Whiz Times have an easy to understand approach to relay news. Be it about the latest discoveries like the Higgs Boson or English Premier League matches, the language used is relayed in simpler terms... M Hisham

Edutainment unlimited: the whiz plugs a very relevant gap in today’s society and that is about how to give kids and families a safe educative and entertaining platform where they can be abreast about the latest happenings and also collaborate and create to give vent to their creativity. The concept and the content itself is very unique and is the need of the hour... Saurabh Pandey

Cnet mention of The Whiz TimesHaving done a fair bit of advocacy work in promoting safer Internet use for children, this geek can see the value proposition of a site like Whiz Times, especially for homes where kids are unsupervised and free to roam the World Wild Web on their own... Nicholas Aaron Khoo

Cool Insights

As a geek and nerd myself, I deeply value all learning opportunities. Websites like The Whiz Times allow parents to engage their kids in meaningful educational content while being updated on what's happening around the world today. The next time your kid reaches out for that iPad or Galaxy Note, relax. He may be logging on to an educational resource such as The Whiz Times instead of playing a tablet game... Walter Lim

The Whiz Times on iMedia ConnectionShalabh is the Chief Whiz at, where he is on a mission to detox the web through creating a safe, fun and engaging platform for families and kids...

Richard Byrne on The Whiz TimesThe site features a wide array of news stories covering everything from serious stories about things like Edward Snowden seeking asylum in Russia to lighter stories about things like panda bears and kittens. Students and teachers can browse through The Whiz Times by selecting a news category and/or an age level... Richard Byrne  

My Doorway: Nelson Wee

In closing, with niche social networks like The Whiz Times, with news content and which have educational value - as a platform for kids and families to participate and learn together on what's happening in the real world in a SIMPLE, SAFE, FUN manner - could help inculcate interest, instil passion in learning and creating contents in kids. This would bode well for the kids' future as digital literacy could well be the new financial literacy of the future...  And apart from this, countless bytes from people who love us, mommy-daddy bloggers who are really a media force to reckon with in their own right and educators who think The Whiz Times does provide their students with an extra 'edge'.