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Archaeologists stumble upon the tomb of a queen
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Pharaoh Queen from 4500 years ago!

Working in Egypt’s Abu Sir, an ancient kingdom near the country’s capital Cairo, Czech archaeologists have stumbled upon the tomb of a queen.   No one knew of this queen although archaeologists who discovered this tomb believe she was the wife of Pharaoh Neferefre. Her tomb was found in the larger tomb of her husband. Only very close family could be buried with a king, so that led the archaeologists to believe the two were married. Pharaoh Neferefre Pharaoh Neferefre Credit: Wikipedia   From the writings inscribed on the inner walls of the tomb, we now know that her name was Khentakawess. Since there were two more queens by the same name, historians are addressing her as Khentakawess III. Like many other pyramids in Egypt, this tomb had also been robbed for the precious stones and metals that were buried, but robbers did not take utensils and statues of limestone and copper.   Several pyramids  still exist in Abu Sir and Neferefre, who was Pharaoh or king of his people for not more than three years, was also buried there. That’s the middle of the Fifth dynasty. The Fourth and Fifth dynasties were the first to begin making pyramids to bury their dead. That means, the couple has been dead about 4,500 years! Work on this pyramid was never completed. That is why it is also called the Unfinished Pyramid.   The pyramids of Egypt are not the only pyramids made by people. Since the tapering structure was easier to build than, say, a dome, pyramids are among the earliest and largest constructions. They have been built in many ancient civilisations like Mesopotamia, Greece and China.   The pyramids of Egypt are among the largest human-made structures. They were used as burial places. The Great Pyramid of Khufu is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world that still stands. These gigantic structures were made of blocks of limestone or brick.  

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