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Funny Facts about Britain's Royal Baby!
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Here are 10 Funny Things about the Royal Baby you didn't know!

Britain's royal baby has finally been born. Here are 10 things you might not have known about the little future king! LONDON, July 2013 (AFP/The Whiz Times).

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1) The baby will be distantly related to Dracula, the vampire! Experts have also traced the family tree back to an Islamic sultan who is believed to be descended from the Prophet Mohammed. 2) Finland has gifted William and Kate with a special 'baby box' received by all expectant mothers in their country 3) By custom, earlier royal births were witnessed by a minister, to make sure that the heir was the real deal. Luckily for Kate, this tradition ended in 1936! 4) The baby does not need to have a surname -- but if William and Kate want him to have one, they can choose between Mountbatten-Windsor, Wales and Cambridge. 5) World landmarks including Niagara Falls, Toronto's CN Tower and the fountains at London's Trafalgar Square turned blue to celebrate the baby boy's birth. town crier A Town Crier reads an announcement about the birth of Kate and William's baby boy
Image by AFP PHOTO / ANDREW COWIE 6) The journalists camped outside Kate's hospital were really bored after a three-week wait for her baby, but it was a different story when William was born in 1982. His mother Princess Diana fooled the press by telling them her son was due on July 1 -- he arrived 10 days earlier! 7) People are placing bets on everything from the baby's name to what his hair colour is. The favourite names are Alexandra for a girl and George for a boy (the baby hasn't been named yet). 8) The baby already has its own Wikipedia page -- "Child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge". 9) Former Australian prime minister Julia Gillard has knitted a kangaroo for the baby. 10) Football superstar David Beckham has suggested that the royal couple should name their baby after him! Click here to read more about the royal baby's birth! Featured image: Royal Supporter Terry Hutt reads a newspaper announcing the birth of the newest member of Britain's royal family. Image by AFP PHOTO/JUSTIN TALLIS.

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