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Haze in Singapore: Video news read by kids
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Singapore Haze: News read by a 7 year old

 If you are a regular visitor to The Whiz Times, you probably know that we create a lot of videos for our young followers (and older ones too!).

We had the animated series of News of the Week: where you got these videos where animated characters read the news.

And now, we are going one step forward. A Video News series where the news is read by kids. News read by kids has a special 'flavor'. It is not only innocent, but more often than not, brings a very basic and perhaps humane perspective of things. We have only just started and as usual, are full of ideas.

Here is a lead story from South East Asia: the haze in Singapore and Malaysia that is affecting grown ups and kids alike.

news read by kids The Whiz Times Adya Pandey, 7 years old, Singapore, brings to you Whiz News: The Kids perspective

This news is read by Whiz Kid Adya Pandey from Singapore. She is 7 years old (going to be 8 in a couple of months, but she wants us to write her age as 8), and inspite of being a bit sick, she was sporting enough to read this news story for us and bring her perspective.

Want to get more such fun videos, including video news for kids and the whole family? For loads of information and videos: Sign in and get access to loads of goodies - registration is Easy!

Excerpt of the news story:

Haze Haze go away, don’t come back another day.

This is the song that children in Singapore and Malaysia seem to be singing.

Singapore and many parts of Malaysia are covered in thick Smokey air with smell of burning wood and ash. This is because of burning forests in Indonesia. The wind brings all the smoke and ash from forest fires into neighbouring countries like Singapore and Malaysia.

The forests can burn because people clear the forests for planting crops.

Well, the problem is that all that haze settles over cities and can make people sick.

Kids are not happy because they can’t go out and play, and many are down with cough, running nose and watery eyes, just like me.

The condition became really bad in the past few days in Singapore, where the air quality became unhealthy. Many people wear masks when they go out, and are advised to stay indoors.

In all of this, grown up ministers are playing children’s games. An Indonesian minister said Singapore was complaining like a child, when this was an act of nature. Indonesia is trying to create rains by seeding chemicals into the clouds. Rains can make the situation better by washing down the particles in air.

Well, let us all hope the air returns to healthy levels. Till then we can keep singing: Haze haze go away...

This is Adya Pandey signing off for The Whiz Times. Bye bye.

 Video source: AFP, script and editing by The Whiz Times

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2013-06-25 09:01:41
[...] (very dangerous) levels earlier in the week (check out this Whiz Times video for a story on the smog by an 8 year old [...]
2013-07-17 12:48:13
[...] is a lead story by Adya once more. This time she talks about Nelson Mandela – the inspiring leader who has touched the hearts [...]
2013-07-24 07:19:24
[...] Let’s hope it stays this way in Singapore, and the haze clears quickly in Malaysia. If you want to learn more about the haze and how it affected Singapore, click here. [...]
2015-09-25 08:19:49

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