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A Goat that Skates and the World's Tiniest Dog: Just a few of the Newest Guinness World Record Holders!
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Who Got Listed in this Famous Book?

An amazing 12-year-old rollerskating boy and a skateboarding goat are some of the newest Guinness world record holders!
The new list for the 2014 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records!was released just yesterday, Thursday the 13th of September!
LONDON, September 2013.
Schoolboy Rohan Kokane, from the western Indian city of Belgaum, won his place in the famous book as the Lowest Limbo Skater.
Guiness record
This means he can rollerskate beneath a height of just 25 centimetres (10 inches) over a distance of 10 metres (33 feet)!
And what about a Puerto Rican chihuahua called Milly who was honoured as the world's smallest dog at just 9.65 centimetres tall?
Or Happie the American goat who skateboarded her way to glory by gliding 36 metres in 25 seconds!
Guiness world record US goat, Happie, standing on a skateboard
A German woman, Ms Julia Plecher, was listed as the fastest person to run 100 metres in high heels -- crossing the line in just 14.531 seconds!
Six times bigger than a normal motorbike, a five-tonne vehicle made by Italy's Fabio Reggiani was named the world's largest rideable motorcycle.
And Austin Coulson of the United States had the smallest car at just 126.47 centimetres long.
Steve Sansweet of the United States won a place in the book with his collection of Star Wars memorabilia -- which at 300,000 items is the largest in the world! Aren't these Guinness world record holders just amazing?
Story by AFP/The Whiz Times.Featured image: India's Rohan Kokane, who holds the world record as the lowest limbo skater, posing for a picture. Image by AFP PHOTO/GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS/PAUL MICHAEL HUGHES.

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