Pope Francis begins historic tour of the US
Pope Francis has begun his tour of the US. The pope landed on U.S. soil for the first time Tuesday (September 22), launching a six-day visit of Washington DC, New York and Philadelphia.
Pope Francis visited a favela, or shanty town, in Brazil in 2013
It will be a trip where he is expected to greet millions of American Catholics and one that will highlight his love for the poor, including a lunch with homeless people in Washington, and his willingness to tackle thorny issues like climate change and income inequality.
US President Obama and his family
In an unprecedented welcome for a foreign dignitary, President Barack Obama and his family, along with Vice President Joe Biden and his family, traveled to Joint Base Andrews outside Washington to greet the pontiff, who arrived from Cuba.
Flags of the USA and the Vatican City
The flags of the United States and the Vatican flapped from the cockpit windows of the pope's chartered Italian jet as it rolled to a stop near a line of priests in black and red robes and a group of children from local Catholic schools.
Pope Francis in his Jeep "Popemobile" as his tours around the U.S.
The Argentine-born Pope appeared at the top of the stairs of the plane in a white cassock, smiled and removed his skullcap so it would not be blown away by the wind. Obama greeted him at the foot of the steps with a handshake and a warm smile.
Pope Francis in a humble little Fiat car, being driven away to the embassy of the Vatican City in Washington (USA)
The crowd chanted "Ho Ho, Hey, Hey Hey, Welcome to the U.S.A." as Pope Francis became the fourth head of the Catholic Church to visit the United States.
After a brief chat with Mr. Obama, the pope rode away in a small charcoal-gray Fiat - in keeping with his desire to live a humble life - as part of a motorcade bound for the Vatican diplomatic mission in Washington.
The Vatican City - View of St. Peter's Square from the top of Michelangelo's dome
Pope Francis will return back to Rome on Sunday, 27 September.
(All images - credit: Wikimedia Commons under Creative Commons licence)