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The Perfect Pair of Shoes {Story}
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Jessica and her best friend Kate were walking around the mall.They were in search for a pair of beautiful shoes for Jessica.They went to about 6 shoe shops but not one did she like.

"This is so hard to choose! I mean the pink sneakers were nice but its not what i was looking for,"said Jessica.

"Just keep trying,you will find a pair!"said Kate.

They spent almost 2 hours trying to find the perfect pair.It was hard. Shoes were important to them,like,VERY important.

"I think we should go somewhere else.There is no luck here.How about going to the mall near my house?What do you think,Jes?"said Kate.

Right after saying that Jessica screamed.

"Ahhh!Those shoes!They look amazing!Lets go in!"cried Jessica in delight.

Kate followed Jessica into the shop and sat on a cushioned chair.She watched her best friend try on the beautiful pair of blue heels.Then Jessica turned around.

"How do I look?I love this pair of heels!"she said to Kate.

"You look fabulous!Go buy it!It looks very nice on you!Its the perfect pair!"replied Kate.

Jessica took it off.Then she went to the counter and bought it.You could not imagine how happy she was!

They walked out of the shop smiling.They decided to have a snack before going home.

"I was really glad you found it!It suits you so well!And I love that shade of blue!Its beautiful!"said Kate happily.

"Yeah,me too!I have to remember this shop!I can buy some other things too and they have such a reasonable price!This pair was just 27 dollars!"replied Jessica.

The next day she wore her new shoes to school and how her friends stared!She told them where to get it.And after school what a surprise for the shopkeepers!They earned a lot of money too!

"I got a new yellow dress with a sweet ribbon at the middle!"said Sarah to Jessica the next day.

"Nice!I would love to see you wear it,Sarah!I bet it will look gorgeous on you!"replied Jessica smiling.

When Jessica went back to the shop she explained everything.They were happy and surprised!

"Wow!no wonder there was a sudden crowd of people just after 1.30 pm!If i am not wrong,they are dismissed around that time!"said the cashier lady.

Ever since then they have been popular.the shop's name is "Passion Designs 101" so if you visit that shop dont be surprised when you see a crowd of people shopping for shoes!


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2016-07-08 07:17:17
It is nice how there was a crowd of people shopping for shoes. The salesmen/salesman must be delighted. But if the shop is small, people will not have a very great time shopping for their shoes as it would be really crowded and stuffy.
2017-01-30 10:07:44
Good for Katie that she found the perfect pair of shoes to wear to school and everywhere. I think that if the pair of heels were real, I would beg my parents to buy me a pair or use my ang pao money to purchase them. But it is very sad that the shop is not real.
2017-02-04 05:05:12
If only the shop was real! Then we all can buy fabulous clothes! But just asking, if the shop really was real, how much would a dress cost?

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