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[Pictures] Tortoise beats rabbit in skiing competition
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A tortoise beat a rabbit in a skiing competition held for pets and their owners in China.

Cats and dogs faced off against other animals such as a rooster and a yellow duck in a race to the finish line on snowy slopes in Henan province.

The 40 human competitors were allowed to place their animals on skis or sledges, or could guide the pet with a lead while skiing.

In an unexpected outcome, a tortoise beat a rabbit. This was just like the ending of Aesop's famous Greek fable, The Tortoise and the Hare.

Reports explained, "Because the rabbit loved jumping and didn't follow its owner's commands, it was overtaken by the tortoise."

Other unusual animal races take place around the world. The US state of California plays host to an annual dog-surfing competition, and a Chinese farmer made headlines in 2012 for training pigs to dive from a three-metre platform.

To read about unusual activities that other animals can perform, click on and read our "These Beluga Whales can Paint!" story.

Featured image brought to you by The Whiz Times via CHINA OUTĀ  AFP PHOTO.

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