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» Testimonials

The Whiz Times testimonialsI support platforms such as The Whiz Times that focus on the world of the child within the world of the adult. Appropriate and relevant material compiled with high interest and fun levels will attract the attention of our youth in a very positive way... Mr Peter Derby-Crook, CEO at Tanglin Trust School

Craig-Kemp_The Whiz TimesWhiz Times is an exciting, new and interactive website that is highly visual and well written for students. I am looking forward to collaborating and seeing the growth of this incredibly exciting product to learn more about what is happening in the world”. Craig Kemp, ICT integrator at Avondale Grammar School, Singapore @mrkempnz

Cool Insights

Walter Lim Testimonial The Whiz Times As a geek and nerd myself, I deeply value all learning opportunities. Websites like The Whiz Times allow parents to engage their kids in meaningful educational content while being updated on what's happening around the world today. The next time your kid reaches out for that iPad or Galaxy Note, relax. He may be logging on to an educational resource such as The Whiz Times instead of playing a tablet game... Walter Lim, Editor @ Cool Insights

Richard Byrne on The Whiz TimesThe site features a wide array of news stories covering everything from serious stories about things like Edward Snowden seeking asylum in Russia to lighter stories about things like panda bears and kittens. Students and teachers can browse through The Whiz Times by selecting a news category and/or an age level... Richard Byrne